YouTube: What if iPhone had… Springboard Exposé


This concept was created by Ocean Observations and aims to improve the overview of your apps and their notification badges by giving you an “Exposé”-ish view. While browsing your springboard, you can push the home button to be taken to a zoomed out state in which you can see all of the pages with apps. This view is combined with the Spotlight search. Tapping the search box would bring up the keyboard and hide the miniature pages. Each miniature is badged with all notifications for that page, to give you a quick idea of which pages contain new items. Tap any of the miniatures to go directly to that page.

For more than nine pages, the thumbnails could shrink even further in size. It would work the other way around as well. So if you have fewer pages, the thumbnails would be larger.

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About the What if iPhone had-movies:
In this series of concept movies we have explored some possible improvements in the GUI of a product that engage many people, the iPhone. We thought that it would be fun to hear what others think. But one must remember that Apple is a company that dont leave design issues to chance and there is probably good reason why the iPhone looks and works the way it does.

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